Harnessing protein biotechnology for synthetic biology
Exploiting protein evolution for protein engineering

13-15 March 2024 | Heraklion, Greece

Abstract submission deadline:   7 March 2024

Download the abstract form: abstract_sample.rtf

Please use the 'save/download link/target (as)' option of your browser for the left link (RTF) above to download the abstract submission template file to your computer; use this template to write your abstract. You are advised to embed any symbol font you might use in the file. This option may be found in the 'save' dialogue options, or the 'tools | options | save' menu, of your word processor. Submit your abstract by e-mail to info@synbio-forth.gr.

Important Dates

Registration deadline: 7/3/2024
Abstract submission deadline: 7/3/2024
Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology